Amber Zapatka Memorial Regatta aka Lowell Invite
The Amber Zapatka Memorial Regatta (also referred to as the "Lowell Invite") is a 30+ club regatta pitting the purple checkered oars against some of the fastest boats in New England.
Varsity and Novice
UMass Lowell Bellegarde Boathouse, 500 Pawtucket Blvd, Lowell, MA 01854. The BLS tents are typically located on the river side of Pawtucket Blvd., approximately a 1/4 mile east of the Bellegarde Boathouse (a bit east of the Camelot Court Apartments, approximately across from Dunbar Ave., though exact location can depend on space availability).
Lineups and race times for Saturday will be posted by Thursday evening in the Race Tracker.
Sunday's races are TBD, based on Saturday's boat performances.
SignUpGenius link will be emailed on Tuesday evening. We will have 100+ athletes, plus coaches, parents, etc. to feed. SignUpGenius for Sunday will be emailed on Saturday after race schedules are determined based on Saturday's boat performance.
Parking is in the grass lots across the street from the river and costs $10
Coffee is available directly across the street at Dunkin' Donuts, and Market Basket is right over the bridge (left past the boathouse) if you need anything
Detailed race and competitor info can be found at www.regattacentral.com/regattas
Live results can be found at herenow.com/results/#/races. (You will need to register)